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Contemporary Psychology

About the study program

The accredited study program Modern Psychology at the Faculty of Health and Business Studies of the University of Singidunum lasts for 4 years and enables students to acquire 240 ECTS credits and the title of Graduate Psychologist.

In the initial years of study, students familiarize themselves with basic subjects that introduce them to the world of psychology as a science. They will learn about various psychological disciplines, the subject matter of psychology, the methods used, etc.

They will be introduced to each of the psychological disciplines individually, which may further influence their specialization in the field of psychology. Knowledge from basic subjects such as Fundamentals of Psychology, Psychology of Personality and Individual Differences, Physiology of Psychological Processes, Methodology of Psychological Research intertwine, and will be important for students to understand subjects dealing with practical tasks such as clinical psychology, occupational psychology, and educational psychology.

Why study psychology?

Psychology has wide applicability but is also a multidisciplinary field that constantly evolves its research concepts and techniques to explore certain phenomena of mental life.

In addition to essential theoretical knowledge, students can acquire many practical techniques and skills that will prepare them for work in their future careers. Our goal is for them to possess knowledge and tools after their studies, experiential practice, and be ready to perform their job from day one.

Students will learn in an environment that encourages them to discover modern knowledge, participate in practical work, and acquire practical knowledge from people who have been in this profession for decades. They will master the use of work instruments and be involved in research projects conducted at the faculty. Lecturers are available for any questions to support the desire for knowledge, research, and advancement.


Students obtain the title of graduate psychologist and can further specialize in any field of psychology. They can work in clinical psychology and perform psychodiagnostics and counseling within institutions (healthcare facilities, social welfare centers, prisons, military, and police) or private counseling centers. They can be psychologists in schools or kindergartens, teachers in high schools, work in domestic and foreign companies in the field of human resources, engage in marketing, as well as work in market research agencies. Also, a large number of non-governmental organizations often engage psychologists for various domestic or foreign projects.

Learning firsthand

Teaching is interactive - students will have the opportunity to discuss with lecturers, develop their own or be involved in ongoing research projects. They will have the opportunity to learn practical knowledge and skills necessary for their future work in the chosen field alongside experts working in practice (clinical psychologists, school psychologists, human resources psychologists). Our goal is to provide rich practical experience, where they can obtain firsthand knowledge from experts who have proven themselves in their field.

Key skills

Studying psychology requires skills and characteristics necessary for any other type of study in which new knowledge and skills are acquired. However, in addition to acquiring knowledge and facts, a psychology student should possess some characteristics that set them apart from others. These include, above all, developed empathy towards others, excitement in exploring their own and others' mental worlds, satisfaction in helping others, acceptance of the differences, advantages, and disadvantages that all human beings carry.

Psychological areas students opt for

Clinical Psychology

An applied psychological discipline aimed at applying various theoretical and practical knowledge in understanding, preventing, and treating mental disorders as well as promoting mental health and personal development in people. Within clinical psychology, psychological assessment (using psychodiagnostic tests, interviews, observation, and other sources of data), establishing a diagnosis, prevention, and psychotherapeutic intervention in individuals with some type of mental disorder are performed.

Clinical psychologists can perform a wide range of jobs. It is common for them to work as healthcare associates within health centers, clinical-hospital centers, special hospitals, or mental health institutes where they perform psychodiagnostic and/or counseling tasks. They can engage in counseling individuals, groups, families.

Within healthcare institutions, in addition to psychiatric departments, they can work in developmental counseling centers within pediatric departments, as well as in neurology and oncology departments. They can also be employed within social welfare centers (dealing with family relationship problems, divorce, adoption, juvenile offenders, assessment of suitability for guardianship, psychological expert testimony in legal proceedings), in the military and police to assess the psychological suitability of employees for these high-stress jobs and provide support in overcoming daily stress difficulties, in correctional institutions or homes to conduct psychological assessments of individuals serving sentences and apply treatments for resocialization and integration of individuals after serving their sentences. A large number of clinical psychologists usually engage in counseling and psychotherapeutic work within their private counseling centers.

Educational Psychology

Educational psychology is one of the applied psychological disciplines that deals with the study of psychological problems in the processes of education and upbringing. Special areas of study in educational psychology include preschool education psychology, learning psychology, teaching psychology, assessment, etc. Psychologists specializing in educational psychology work as professional associates in kindergartens and primary and secondary schools. In high schools, they usually also engage in teaching psychology or other related subjects.

Industrial-Organizational Psychology (I/O Psychology)

Industrial-organizational (I/O) psychology deals with the scientific study of human behavior within organizations and job positions. Its goal is to establish principles through the study of individual, group, and organizational behavior that will help in solving problems within the business environment. Scientific knowledge within I/O psychology specifically concerns career development, decision-making skills, efficiency in the work of employees, processes that occur within small groups, job and task analysis, individual assessments, etc.

The job of a psychologist in this area includes recruiting and selecting new job candidates, conducting training and monitoring development in employees, measuring their effectiveness, motivation for work, quality of work life, implementing reward systems, monitoring organizational development, job structure in domestic and foreign companies.

I year
II year
III year
IV year

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